Friday, June 30, 2023

2 Wonderful Prayers for "Inward Peace"

Prayers for Inward Peace

26. Grant us grace to rest from sinful deeds and thoughts, to surrender ourselves wholly unto thee, and to keep our souls still before thee like a still lake, so that the beams of thy grace may be mirrored therein, and may kindle in our hearts the glow of faith, and love, and prayer. May we, through such stillness and hope, find strength and gladness in thee, O God, now and forevermore. Amen.

27. O God, who art the source of all true peace and joy, grant us so perfectly to do thy will that we may find both that inward peace which the world can neither give nor take away, and that pure joy which shall make radiant all our duty and our toil. Amen.

These are from the UU "Red Hymnal" Additional Prayers and Collects section p. 140. The "Red Hymnal" is also known as Hymns of the Spirit With Services and has 2 title pages, Services of Religion for use in the Churches of The Free Spirit and Hymns of the Spirit for use in the Free Churches of America. It is copyright 1937 by The Beacon Press and was a combined hymnal for the pre-consolidation Unitarian and Universalist churches in the US. It remained in print until sometime in the last 10 years when the 1981 press run sold out.

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